What is a Development (Planning) Approval?

A Development (Planning) Approval is required before developing within the Shire. This includes the use of an existing building, building a house, shed, and undertaking a home business.

A Planning Approval is separate from a Building Permit. In many instances, planning approval and a building permit are required prior to the commencement of development.

Planning approval is required to ensure that any development undertaken within the Shire complies with the relevant planning requirements and legislation. This includes the Shire’s Local Planning Scheme No. 5 (LPS 5), Residential Design Codes (R-Codes), local planning policies, State Planning Policies and other statutory documents.

When do I need Development (Planning) Approval?

You need to lodge an application for development (planning) approval prior to undertaking development or use of land within the Shire unless the type of development or use is exempt from requiring planning approval as set by the Shire’s Local Planning Scheme No. 5 (LPS 5), Residential Design Codes (R-Codes), local planning policies, State Planning Policies and other statutory documents.

If you’re unsure whether your proposal requires development (planning) approval, contact our Development Services Team by calling (08) 9892 1111 or emailing info@sop.wa.gov.au to the attention of Planning Services.

Submitting Your Application

The application package required to be submitted with your complimentary documentation is as follows:

  1. Application for Development Approval Form
  2. Development Application Checklist

Please note, your application cannot be accepted if all required documentation is not provided. 7 days will be provided, as per the Planning Regulations, for you to provide any further information requested. If it cannot be provided in this timeframe, your application will be returned to you and it will have to be resubmitted when you have all of your documentation. Please follow the provided checklist and ensure you have all of the required documentation ready, it will ensure for a smoother application process overall.

Applications can be made via email, post or in person.

  • Email info@sop.wa.gov.au to the attention of Planning Services (preferred method)
  • In person at 22-24 Lowood Road, Mount Barker WA 6324 (preference for A3 plans)
  • Post to PO Box 48, Mount Barker WA 6324 (preference for A3 plans).

Your application will be processed within the statutory timeframe of 60 or 90 days (depending on category and permissibility, and the period of time for advertising where required), in accordance with Section 52 (2) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015.

The application timeframe begins once the fee has been paid or final further information request has been fulfilled. To ensure your application is able to be processed in a timely manner, ensure you have all of the required documentation ready as per the checklist above. The more information and clear detail the Shire is provided with the simpler the process is for all parties.

Information sheets

These information sheets aim to provide quick snapshots of key items regarding planning.

The Shire is currently working through these information sheets, and this page will be updated as each sheet is created and/or updated.

If you require further planning related advice, email your query to info@sop.wa.gov.au to the attention of Planning Services. Alternatively, call (08) 9892 1111 and ask to speak to our Senior Planner.

Enquiries of a more complex nature may incur a fee as per the schedule of fees & charges below.

Schedule of Fees & Charges