Animal control

Responsible pet ownership
Pets are a responsibility and it is expected that people control their pets. You can be fined if your pet is found by Rangers and not microchipped, registered and/or wearing registration tags.
More information can be found through Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC).
Rangers are generally available during normal working hours. Outside of these hours only urgent calls can be dealt with such as dog attacks. Any attack on a person should be reported first to the police.
Owning dogs
The Shire of Plantagenet Dogs Local Law 2008 outlines all the regulations associated with dog ownership in the Shire. These regulations include:
- All dogs over three months of age must be microchipped.
- That your dog is registered and your contact details are kept up-to-date.
- You have control of your dog, keeping it in your yard unless walking it on a leash.
- A limit of how many dogs you can have, based on whether you live within or outside of a townsite. If you live within a townsite you can have two dogs over the age of three months. If living outside of a townsite, you can have four dogs over the age of three months. Puppies of unsterilised, registered dogs are not included in this total until they are three months old.
- Dogs must wear a registration tag at all times. If they don't, you could be fined $500.
Dog registration
A dog owner is legally required to register their dog with the local government from the age of three months. The registration period is from 1 November to 31 October the following year. The fees for dog registrations are shown in the table below:
Sterilised *
Sterilised – pensioner fee*
Unsterilised – pensioner fee
Working dog
1 year
25% of applicable fee
3 years
25% of applicable fee
*Proof of sterilisation required.
A Certificate of Registration form must be completed to register your dog. This form can be submitted to the Shire in the following ways:
- Dropped into the Shire Administration Centre
- Emailed to info@
- Posted to Shire of Plantagenet, PO Box 48, Mount Barker, WA , 6324.
Payment can be made at the Shire Administration Centre, by cheque or over the phone. If you are claiming a pensioner rate, we require a copy of your pension card. If you are claiming a sterilised rate, we require a copy of proof of sterilisation.
Once your dog is registered, you will be issued a receipt, registration certificate, as well as a registration tag which your dog is required to wear on its collar.
Dog exercise areas
The following off leash dog exercise areas have been established:
Mount Barker: Reserve 1790 Recreation and Agricultural Showgrounds, McDonald Avenue
Kendenup: Lot 150 Beverley Road, Kendenup Community Grounds
Narrikup: Reserve 17849 Recreation and Showgrounds, Albany Highway
Rocky Gully: Reserve 25271 Recreation, Lot 129 Muir Highway
All dogs must be under control in a public place even in an off leash area. The person in control of the dog is responsible and liable for the dogs actions.
Please carry a bag to collect dog waste while walking your dog, or fines may be issued.
Wandering dogs
Dogs wandering without an owner will be taken to the pound, where you’ll need to pay a fees before it can be released.
Any dog attacks against a person should be reported to police and Ranger Services on 9892 1137 or 0428 512 356 (AH emergency number).
If you see a wandering dog outside of office hours please record the size, breed and location of the dog, and take a photo if possible. If there are recurring instances of roaming dogs, Ranger Services may patrol the area.
You are also responsible for ensuring that your dog is not a nuisance to your neighbours or the public by excessive barking. Dogs that nuisance bark can be fined up to $5000.
Shire rangers can offer advice on how to reduce your dog from excessively barking. This includes:
- Use of anti-barking collars.
- Ways to tackle bordom.
- Exercise.
- Identifing triggers.
- Sight barriers.
Dog attacks
A dog attack is a very serious matter. If your dog attacks a person or another animal, or acts in a manner that a reasonable person believes that the dog will attack, you will be held responsible even if you are not there at the time. The only exemption is where the dog was provoked (for example, provocation may apply if your dog attacks someone who is on your property without lawful excuse, such as a burglar).
There are penalties of up to $10,000 for a dog attack and $10,000 or 12 months gaol (or both) for inciting a dog to attack. The dog's owner is also liable for any injury or damage resulting from a dog attack. A person who has been attacked may take civil action for any injury or damage.
Dangerous dogs
If your dog displays aggressive behaviour, it is important to address it quickly with appropriate training. If your dog is declared dangerous by the Shire, it will need to be muzzled at all times when in a public place and wear a special red and yellow collar.
Owning cats
Cat owners are legally required to microchip and sterilise their cats and register them with the Shire from six months of age. You can be fined $200 if you do not.
Cats are required to wear a collar and registration tag at all times.
The Cat Act 2011 assists in better management of the unwanted impacts of cats on the community and the environment, as well as encourage responsible cat ownership
Registering cats
Proof of sterilisation and microchipping must be provided when registering your cat, unless a vet has granted an exception.
The registration period is from 1 November to 31 October the following year. The fees for cat registrations are shown in the following table:
Registration – pensioner fee
1 year
3 years
A Certificate of Registration form must be completed to register your cat. This form can be submitted to the Shire in the following ways:
- Dropped into the Shire Administration Centre
- Emailed to info@
- Posted to Shire of Plantagenet, PO Box 48, Mount Barker, WA , 6324.
Payment can be made at the Shire Administration Centre, by cheque or over the phone. If you are claiming a pensioner rate, we require a copy of your pension card.
Once your cat is registered, you will be issued a receipt, registration certificate, as well as a registration tag which your cat is required to wear on its collar.
Lost cats
Cats are legally allowed to wander but domestic cats identified as 'nuisance' can be impounded. All cats are to be registered and desexed.
Council rangers only deal with domestic cats. Any cat impoundments will incur fees and charges before release.
Number of cats allowed
Shire of Plantagenet Health Local Law 2008 allows you to keep two cats over the age of three months.
You can apply in writing for an exemption, however Council will need to ensure that the number of cats will not be a nuisance or dangerous to health.
Other pets
Shire of Plantagenet Health Local Law 2008 allows you to keep a combined total of no more than 12 poultry and pigeons on any lot of land. You can apply in writing for an exemption, however Council will need to ensure you are complying to all conditions in the Local Law and they will be no nuisance caused or danger to health.
The following are not permitted to be kept within a townsite without written approval from Council:
- Roosters
- Geese
- Turkeys
- Peafowls
- Gamebirds
- Horses
- Cows
- Other large animals including pigs, sheep, goats, deer and camels.