Ranger Services

The Shire ranger can be contacted via the Shire office by calling 9892 1137 or emailing [email protected] regarding the following:

  • Animal control,
  • Illegal camping,
  • Litter, and
  • Vehicle control (parking control, abandoned vehicles and off-road vehicles).

The ranger is available after hours for emergencies, such as dog attacks and livestock on roads, on the after-hours emergency number: 0428 512 356.

For life threatening situations or emergencies, call 000.

Animal Control

Dogs and Cats

Straying Livestock

It is the responsibility of the stock owner to contain livestock within their property boundaries. The containment of livestock is imperative for the safety of the community and to reduce the spread of disease and infection. 

Incidents of livestock wandering at Large in public places and roads pose a significant danger to the public travelling on roads and in most cases are preventable by the provision of sufficient, appropriate and well-maintained fences. Rangers can impound wandering stock and issue on the spot fines if they are found to be in public areas. 

Snakes and Wildlife Removal

The Shire does not provide a snake catching service, however a list of contacts for reptile, wildlife and bee removal/relocation is available here. Fees may apply.


An area of forest has been set aside for firewood collection in Denbarker with access from Simpson Road. Maps are available from the Shire Administration Centre or the following link, which has a map of the Pardelup Firewood Area and states the requirements surrounding firewood collection.

DBCA Firewood Guidelines

Illegal Camping

There is no free camping within the Shire. To 'camp' also includes sleeping in a vehicle. Any person found contravening the Caravan and Camping Grounds Act will receive a modified penalty of $125 on the spot.

Refer to the Visitor Information page for information on caravan parks in the Shire. It is recommended you contact the Mount Barker Visitor Centre for more information on accommodation within the Shire.


Rangers rely on the community to assist in identifying offenders of illegal dumping of rubbish and materials. Rangers check for illegal dumping of rubbish during regular patrols and vehicles and trailers en-route to waste disposal sites and the bushland are targeted for insecure loads or illegal dumping activities.

Litter can take many forms:

  • Rubbish thrown from a moving vehicle or by pedestrians,
  • Building rubbish, household rubbish or green waste placed on street verges or in bushland,
  • Improperly disposing of used syringes, and
  • Abandoned vehicles.

Please call the Shire office on 9892 1111 or email [email protected] to report any litter complaints.

Vehicle Control

Abandoned motor vehicles

Abandoned vehicles can create hazards for motorists. Prompt removal is often required and the ranger works closely with Main Roads and local police to ensure this is carried out. Vehicle owners will be traced and contacted whenever possible and arrange towing and/or impounding and disposal of abandoned vehicles.


Unlawful parking practices cause considerable inconvenience and in some cases create dangerous situations. The issuing of Parking Infringement Notices is sometimes the only way of ensuring compliance with the restrictions. The ranger regular patrols special parking bays set aside for disabled persons.