
The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is responsible for approving all subdivision applications and certain classes of strata subdivision applications.

Information and comment from the relevant local government, any public authority or utility services provider are included in this assessment prior to a decision being made on the proposed plan.

For further information on lodging a subdivision application and the relevant forms, visit the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.

Subdivision Condition Clearance

Once conditional subdivision approval has been granted by the WAPC and works have been completed, developers are required to lodge an application for clearance of these conditions of subdivision with the Shire (and other relevant external agencies that the conditions relate to). Part of the subdivision clearance process, is for the developer to demonstrate compliance with their subdivision conditions.

Lodging a Subdivision Clearance Application

Once you have received your conditional approval from the WAPC you can lodge your subdivision clearance application to the Shire for the relevant Local Government conditions to be cleared.

To lodge a subdivision clearance application, please provide the following:

  • Provide a cover letter outlining which conditions are to be cleared and point towards which document is provided as evidence that the condition can be cleared.
  • Provide evidence/documentation of each relevant local government condition to be cleared.
  • Any other relevant documentation the applicant believes will assist the Shire in completing the application.

By providing the above in a clear and concise manner ensures the Shire can process the application in a timely manner.

Applications can be made via email, post or in person.

  • Email to the attention of Planning Services (preferred method)
  • In person at 22-24 Lowood Road, Mount Barker WA 6324
  • Post to PO Box 48, Mount Barker WA 6324 (preference for A3 plans).