Have your say on street names within the Shire of Plantagenet (Closed)
Posted: 25/01/2023 Closing Date: 17/03/2023 04:00 PM
Public submissions are sought for names to include on the Council’s Future Street Name and Reserves Register.
The register is a list of names approved by the Council for use when naming new roads or reserves or to rename existing roads and reserves.
To avoid duplication when making a submission, please check the current list of approved street and reserve names on the Shire website in the Council Policy ‘Future Street and Reserve Names’ - https://www.plantagenet.wa.gov.au/documents/policies
Submissions need to meet certain guidelines as set by Landgate’s Geographic Names Committee. The following general principles should be followed when making a submission for a commemorative name:
- The name should be one word and be the surname.
- The name should be after a specific individual (ie not a family) and the individual must be deceased.
- Permission from the immediate family must be obtained.
- A demonstrated record of achievement must be provided and evidence the individual has had a direct and long-term association with the Shire and has made a significant contribution to the area.
Submissions will be received until 4.00pm, Friday 17 March 2023 via [email protected]. Please note that only submissions which meet the guidelines as specified by the Geographic Names Committee will be considered.
For more information on how to make a submission, please contact the Shire on (08) 9892 1111.