Have your say on street names within the Shire of Plantagenet (Closed)

Public submissions are sought for names to include on the Council’s Future Street Name and Reserves Register.

The register is a list of names approved by the Council for use when naming new roads or reserves or to rename existing roads and reserves.

To avoid duplication when making a submission, please check the current list of approved street and reserve names on the Shire website in the Council Policy ‘Future Street and Reserve Names’ - https://www.plantagenet.wa.gov.au/documents/policies

Submissions need to meet certain guidelines as set by Landgate’s Geographic Names Committee. The following general principles should be followed when making a submission for a commemorative name:

-        The name should be one word and be the surname.

-        The name should be after a specific individual (ie not a family) and the individual must be deceased.

-        Permission from the immediate family must be obtained.

-        A demonstrated record of achievement must be provided and evidence the individual has had a direct and long-term association with the Shire and has made a significant contribution to the area.

Submissions will be received until 4.00pm, Friday 17 March 2023 via [email protected]. Please note that only submissions which meet the guidelines as specified by the Geographic Names Committee will be considered.

For more information on how to make a submission, please contact the Shire on (08) 9892 1111.