Kerbside Bin Collection

Waste Collection
The Shire contracts Cleanaway to operate a 120L household rubbish bin and a 240L recycling bin collection for the townsites of Mount Barker, Kendenup, Rocky Gully and Narrikup. Cleanaway can be contacted on 6801 7500 for all waste or recycling enquiries.
The 2024/2025 Recycling Calendar is available here.
Rubbish collection day is every Thursday, and Mondays for Rocky Gully.
Blue 120L household waste bins are collected weekly. Commercial 240L rubbish bins are collected weekly. Green 240L recycling bins are collected fortnightly and are broken up into the following zones:
- Mount Barker EAST of Albany Highway (refer map), Rocky Gully townsite.
- Mount Barker WEST of Albany Highway (refer map), Kendenup and Narrikup townsites.
A Kerbside Waste Collection Request Form is available here.
Information about what can be recycled is available here.
Rubbish Bins
It is the owner/occupiers’ responsibility to purchase and maintain a rubbish bin. The blue 120L bins must be purchased from the Shire and arrangements for payment and collection can be made by visiting the Administration Centre. The green 240L bins can be purchased from the Shire or any of the private business. Owner/occupiers are responsible for the general cleanliness and maintenance of the bin and the replacement of lost or stolen bins.
Please do not place the following in your rubbish bin:
- Hot ashes
- Building rubble
- Hazardous chemicals and substances
- Tyres
- Car parts
- Green waste.
Follow these guidelines to ensure your bin is emptied:
- Ensure your bin is not too full or overflowing,
- Place items loosely in the bin so that they fall out when emptied - avoid jamming items into your bin,
- Place bins up to 1.5m from the edge of the road and if more than one bin leave a distance of one metre between them,
- Avoid placing bins near obstacles such as trees, power lines, awnings, eaves and vehicles,
- Ensure the wheels of the bin face the house with the lid opening towards the road,
- Contain all items within the bin, as no excess waste will be collected,
- Bins must be placed before 5.00am on the day of collection. It is recommended they are placed the evening before collection day.
Reasons your bin may not have been emptied:
- The bin was too heavy or too full,
- It may have contained inappropriate materials such as building or hazardous waste,
- It was not placed out in time for collection,
- The bin was not placed correctly e.g. facing the wrong way, too far away from the edge of the road, or too close to another bin,
- The bin was located near an obstruction such as trees or telephone poles,
- Access to the bin was blocked by a vehicle.